The basics
I am at college in Pennsylvania, don't have Pennsylvania ID
REGISTER to vote before October 21 with last 4 numbers of social security number.
VOTE in person on election day with a student photo ID.
VOTE early or by mail with a mail in ballot.
I am from Pennsylvania, at college away from home
- At college in another state
- Register online with your Pennsylvania address
- Vote by mail
- At college in Pennsylvania
- If you are far from home precinct, register online to change to your college address
- Vote on election day with a photo ID
- (You can also keep your home address registration and vote by mail)
Important dates
- October 21
- deadline to register
- October 29
- deadline to request mail in ballot
- November 5
- Election Day
In Pennsylvania, you are required to present a photo ID to vote if you are voting for the first time or voting at a new polling place. This will be the case for most college students.The law says you can register in Pennsylvania if you have lived there 30 days prior to election, which will be the case for most college students.
You can REGISTER with the last 4 digits of your social security number
You can VOTE BY MAIL with the last 4 digits of your social security number
You can VOTE at your polling place with a passport or a student ID that has a photo. (Or some other types of ID listed here)
Register by October 21
Register at campus event
Most campuses will have some kind of in person voter registration events where you can fill out the form
Register by mail
Print out registration form and mail it to your county board of elections, postmarked by October 21
Form is here:
The form includes a list of addresses for county board of elections offices and a self mailer envelope
Register online (ONLY if you have Pennsylvania ID)
You can register online with Pennsylvania ID number here:
By mail (submit request by October 29)
Once you are registered you can submit a request for a mail in ballot.
You are entitled to vote by mail in ballot in Pennsylvania without providing a reason.
- Fill out request form using last 4 digits of social security number
- Form here:
- (If you have Pennsylvania ID you can submit request online here. It may be possible to do it online with last 4 of SS# but I’m not sure what the extra step for signature verification involves)
- Print it out
- (Most campuses will have these forms available somewhere to fill out)
- Mail it to board of elections.
- The form includes a list of addresses for county board of elections offices and a self mailer envelope
- When you receive mail in ballot fill it out and mail it back. The deadline to return your voted mail-in ballot is 8:00 PM on election day.
- You can also bring it in person to board of elections before close of polls on election day. This may not be the same location as your polling place
In person drop off of mail in ballot
You can drop off your mail in ballot in person at a secure ballot drop box any time up until close of polls on election day. You must drop off your ballot yourself (unless you have an illness or disability and have filled out a designated agent form). Each county has its own instructions for where the boxes are. Usually at the county elections office, sometimes other locations as well.
List of counties, with links to their websites with drop box information:
In person on election day
You can vote at your local polling place (determined by your registration address) on election day with a passport or a student ID that has a photo. (Or some other types of ID listed here)